Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Okay, blog neglected for over two months and even Katney's Kaboodle gone to just a couple of posts a week. This will change as of tomorrow. I will post something here daily for 2013!!! I declare!!!It may sometimes be archive and sometimes just a pic of the yard, but something new each day.

I will also revive Reflecting Daily, though it may become Reflecting Occasionally.

New Year's Resolution.

You know how those go.

1 comment:

imac said...

Thats a true Headbanger talking my

Be well - be Happy - Here's wishing you a Great 2013 - my Friend.

About Me

My photo
I am a Grandma blogger, posting some regular stuff on some regular blogs--photos and memes. Most recently I have primarily participated in a weekly header challenge, but hopefully I will get back to more regular blogging again.